Photo by Rikki Chan on Unsplash
Vertical Slice Architecture: How Does it Compare to Clean Architecture
This is the summary of the presentation.
No Architecture
Little or no abstraction
Quick to build early - go from nothing deployed
Potential for performance due to tight coupling & less abstraction
As the size of the system increases so does the time to develop
Difficult for multiple teams to work on the same codebase
Technology changes or breaks impact the whole system
Difficult to test
Fairly intuitive abstraction to start
Reasonably quick to build
Improved testability
As the size of the system increases so does the time to develop
Difficult for multiple teams to work on the same codebase
Technology changes or breaks impact the whole system
Clean Architecture
Highly abstracted for larger systems
Resilient to technology changes
Very testable
Not influenced by anything external
Consistent velocity
Easy to work on by a few teams
Higher barrier to entry
Depends on training & a disciplined team to utilize it well
Slower development time overall
Lots of code to write a simple feature
Vertical Slice Architecture
Proximity Principle
Code that is changed together should live together.
Little to no abstraction
Low barrier to entry
Resilient to technology changes
The level of testability can be per feature
Easy to work on by many teams
Feature changes have no impact on other features
Requires contracts & messaging when working in a larger-scale system
Hard to decide what to have as Shared Code vs Feature Code
Each feature can be written in a different way leading to cognitive load when switching